Author Archives: Shraddha Singh

Trend so indifferent!

Being graceful, glossy, gorgeous, gregarious, glamorous is what we want to be described or defined as. May be why this is the etiology that “Originality of Nature still captures the horizon of Beauty” and is still a source for unattained bliss from time so Immemorial.

Idiosyncrasy attracts but not idiosy. Initially calving out from one’s grotto provides one with a wide range of obnoxious and independent thinking what to follow what not to follow depends after all Life is all about Being Competitive particularly in this Improbable World Of today.

Cheesy talks, flash lights, ball Gowns etc have helped enough in order to make us forget the lonely walk on a sea shore, a mug of coffee accompanied with your window couch on a rainy day complementing Nature. We have moved on from a Heart soothing entice towards an Eye soothing Candy.

Love has lost its aroma. It is no more a divine feeling rather has changed its meaning and is a concept now which even can be defined now a days. Quite Hilarious But Factual.

Being lonely, sitting in silence is don’t know why considered to be a Sin. Always carrying a human company is equally a Sin. It erodes you from knowing the one within. The eternal pleasure which still exists deep down in our heart’s valley somewhere fades and slowly eliminates. We dream about an upcoming party which is yet not planned but never about an adventurous journey into the dark forests all alone trying to curb out new ways.

We have compiled our life in a manner which seems complex but in actuality we are running away from the real complexities. Complicated relationships are one of the best example of our upcoming illogical human behavior. When we fail in analyzing and recognizing one self how can we expect and trust our intellect while choosing our partner in a right manner.

The critical aspect of Life is too long to describe. Everything we do has different modes and mechanisms by which anything can be performed. Choosing the right kind is a difficult job. Thinking Before Adopting Can Help Make It a Bit Easier Else My Friend’s Life Goes On…………!!